No matter what your spiritual beliefs or religious background, this class is intended for you! You owe it to yourself to hear what the Bible actually says – about God’s love for you, and about his plan for your life. This course covers a variety of topics (salvation, creation, baptism, communion, marriage, sin) but this is the perfect opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have.
Good Shepherd’s Bible Information Course Growing in Hope may be held individually, or in a group setting. The classes will lead you through the basic teachings of the Bible. It is in the Bible, which is God’s Word, that we find the eternal life God has given through his Son, Jesus Christ. God said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10b NIV). To share your interest in taking the course, please call the church at 952-432-5527 and ask to speak with a pastor.